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Three of a Kind: Artsy Abodes

Featured Properties // Mar 28, 2012

After last week’s look at homes for book lovers we thought we’d throw the spotlight on another form of collecting. New York is famous for its cultural institutions and museums, but there are just as many great works of art hanging on the walls of private apartments as there are in the Met. High ceilings and sturdy walls with spaces for canvases are some of the most sought-after real estate features these days. Here are our favorite properties on the market that are ideal for displaying your collection.


Where: 166 West 18th Street, PH-12
Size: 4 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms
Asking: $9,900,000
Listed by: Stuart Sussman

What better place to start when discussing than Chelsea, the gallery capitol of New York City? This full-floor penthouse in the ultra-modern Yves building has plenty of glass walls, but the interiors provide ample space for even the largest paintings to be installed, as witnessed by the current décor. The grandiose scale of the apartment means that it won’t get overwhelmed by even the largest installations.


Where: 213 West 23rd Street, Skyhouse
Size: 5 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms
Asking: $8,950,000
Listed by: Emily Beare and Christian Rogers

This 6,000-square-foot home has vast space and an open, gallery-like feel. Those who understand how lighting can make or break where a piece is situated will be pleased by the multiple exposures, ensuring a constant steam of light. For the sculpture lover, the 7,000 square feet of private outdoor space could make an outdoor sculpture garden to rival MoMA’s.


Where: 10 East 18th Street, 8-FLR
Size: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom (loft space)
Asking: $3,595,000
Listed by: Emily Beare

We’d feel guilty if we left out an authentic artist’s loft on this list. Offering nearly 3,000 square feet of wide-open loft space with 13′ ceilings and nine windows, this Flatiron District condo is built for those who want to create as much as collect. The top floor of a turn-of-the-century building, the space is extremely flexible, and sports 2,700 square feet of outdoor space.