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My Favorite Room: Jill Libman

My Favorite Room // Nov 13, 2015


‘My Favorite Room’ takes a look at our favorite peoples’ most cherished places and spaces. Featuring a mixture of hotspots and hidden gems, we hope to remind just how special one room can really be.

With over 30 years of real estate experience, Jill Libman is known as an industry veteran who has seen her fair share of apartments. With her love for her dogs, it’s no surprise that her favorite room is the place her dogs love most.

What is your favorite room? My living room.

Why is it your favorite room? This intimate room was designed with antique furniture and is complimented by outstanding art work. I turned a post war apartment into one with a pre-war feeling with mahogany moldings and room divisions. I also created a separate dining area with detailed lighting to add to this effect.

What do you like to do most in this room? The living room is my “social hub”. I have been entertaining family and friends with large and small gatherings and charitable social functions. My Standard Poodles love to mix with my friends because they want to be the center of attention. They succeed beautifully.

What is one unique or distinctive feature from this room? The simplistic elegance of the staging combined with the stylistic design.

In one word, how would you describe this room? Eclectic.