CurbedWire: 241 Fifth Ave. Teaser Website; 837 Washington Groundbreaking
Curbed //December 7, 2012
FLATIRON—Yesterday, 241 Fifth Avenue received some signage, and we hoped the teaser website would be next. And it was! The minimalist website is live, and it provides a sliver of new information: the building will have one- to four-bedroom units, and pricing falls somewhere in the range of less than $1 million to more than $2 million. Interested parties can submit an information form on the website.
MEATPACKING DISTRICT—Due to Hurricane Sandy, the groundbreaking for 837 Washington, the twisty office and retail building by Morris Adjmi, was rescheduled for next Tuesday, December 11. The 55,000-square-foot building will rise beside the High Line across from the Standard Hotel, and it will be ready for occupancy by fall 2013. The Landmarks Preservation Commission, as you may recall, loved the design once Adjmi chopped it down to an acceptable height.