CORE in the News
Leverage Global Partners, Voice America, AOL Real Estate //March 24, 2014
A sampling of last week’s press coverage of CORE and CORE properties.
Social Media Spotlight: 7 Great Digital Marketing Tools for Real Estate
Leverage Global Partners
In this social media recap piece, CORE’s Twitter page is highlighted, which has garnered an impressive online following. In other social media-related news, CORE’s Director of Marketing Elizabeth Kosich provided insight on the impact of a well-executed social media strategy among real estate brokerages and agents.
Good Morning New York Real Estate
Voice America
Parul Brahmbhatt discusses the New York City real estate market with radio host Vince Rocco. From investor profiles to new development projects hitting the market, Parul provides a broker’s perspective on some of the most important aspects of buying in Manhattan.
Are Open Houses Obsolete?
AOL Real Estate
Zillow contributor and CORE broker Brendon Desimone discusses the impact of open houses in a home sale, despite the shift towards digital viewing of a home among prospective buyers.