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Who’s Got Your Back?

Shaun's Soapbox // Mar 11, 2011


An open letter to my staff and agents:

The key to building and effectively running a successful business is making sure you have the right people.

Nothing is more paramount.

Not all people are created equal in the eyes of a business, because people (just like companies) have different goals and values.

My staff and agents ARE our brand.

We have common interests.
We share our ideas.
We embrace our culture of transparency.
We innovate.
We understand that our business has evolved.
We respect integrity.
We work for the client. Tirelessly.

The power of a brand is more adversely affected by a lack of one these things than it is strengthened by the presence of some of them.
Knowing that someone is there in your corner, representing a common interest and vision is powerful.

Thank you for having my back!