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What’s New: The Best of Both World’s in Midtown

Featured Properties // Jan 03, 2012


Where: 100 West 58th Street, #4-H
Size: 1 bedroom/1 bathroom
Asking: $825,000
Listed by: Tom Postilio and Mickey Conlon

It’s a new year, but let’s not forget about the old, because in New York City, a dash of the past mixed with the present can go a long way. For example, when it comes to prestige in real estate, nothing beats a Candela classic. The Windsor Park is just that, a prewar Rosario Candela-designed brown-brick beauty converted to condominiums. It may hark back to another era, but there’s a contemporary feel in this building as well, thanks to renovations designed by Gwathmey Siegel & Associates, the prestigious firm that has worked on the Guggenheim Museum and Yale’s Art and Architecture Building, among many others. This one-bedroom apartment, priced well under $1 million, is like getting your foot in the door of two distinct architectural styles at once. Perfect for those with a resolution to try new things.