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Ten: Whitney Meyer on Taking Risks

Welcome to Ten, CORE founder and CEO Shaun Osher’s rapid-fire interview series with prominent CORE figures. Read on to find out how this week’s subject deals with being on the hot seat.

New to CORE but not the industry, Whitney Meyer has a wide range of work and life experience to offer to her clients. Having previously worked many years in commercial real estate in some of the most prominent cities in the country, Whitney’s success, versatility and warm demeanor make her a true asset to CORE. Here are Whitney’s answers to Ten questions:

1) What did you do before you found this career?Whitney (2)

I worked at a start-up financial company that created a product that allowed customers to deposit funds above the FDIC insurance level and remain produced. I helped build the technical platform and then serviced the banks who opted to participate in the product offering.

2) What has been the highlight of you career?

Relocating AON to the center of the iconic AON tower in LA for a potential residential conversion on top. They occupied over 250,000-square feet.

3) What is your greatest daily challenge?

To allow myself proper rest. I often get up in the middle of the night to check emails or write down an idea I don’t want to forget.

4) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Creating a balance between being a loving wife, mother and powerful career woman.

5) Where do you find inspiration?

My boyfriend – he makes me want to be a better person everday.

6) Name one thing we might not know about you.

I ran the majority of a marathon with a broken big toe. I refuse to quit!

7) What’s your favorite movie or book?

Linden Hills by Gloria Naylor.

8) What do you do in your free time?

I go to the gym, read and enjoy the restaurants in this great city.

9) What’s your favorite restaurant?

Morandi in the West Village.

10) Tell me something about your home.

I have a piece of the glacier from Iceland where I went snowmobiling.