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Ten: Patrick Mills on the Simple Pleasures

Agents, Shaun's Soapbox // Oct 23, 2013

Welcome to Ten, CORE founder and CEO Shaun Osher’s rapid-fire interview series with prominent CORE figures. Read on to find out how this week’s subject deals with being in the hot seat.

A creative soul, Patrick Mills has the ability to utilize both his past experience as a thespian and strong sense of space and design to satisfy both buyers and sellers. A team player with an aggressive, marketing savvy side, Patrick offers a thoughtful approach to clients in order to offer the highest level of service. Here are Patrick’s answers to Ten questions:

1. What did you do before you found this career?

Patrick Mills TEN

I was in the theatre world as a stage director and producer of original works for several years before getting into real estate. Theatre is my church and continues to be a huge part of my life, providing me with a community of friends and endless inspiration that I apply to my daily life.

2. What has been the highlight of your career?

Aside from the launch event of 305W16, I would have to say that selling my first townhouse earlier this year was my career highlight. It was sold to a couple who I’ve known for several years; I originally found them a rental a few years back, and soon, they were ready to upgrade to their new home. I’m honored to have played a role in this moment for them as they continue to build a life together.

3. What is your greatest daily challenge?

Completing my daily “to-do” list is my never-ending challenge. Although I’m quite organized, I have a very creative mind and often find myself distracted – starting new projects before finishing what I set out to do in the first place.

4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Career-wise, I see myself with a thriving referral-based business with CORE. As for my personal life, I see myself settling down with the right partner, traveling the world, and continuing to be a great friend, brother, son and uncle to my many nieces and nephews!

5. Where do you find inspiration?

Through the perseverance and words of wisdom from my mom, the loyalty and acceptance of my family, the unconditional love and support of my friends, and the success of my peers and colleagues.

6. Name one thing we might not know about you.

I’m a pretty open book. But, you may not know that when I was a little kid, my siblings and I were very theatrical and would perform for each other. Perhaps one of my favorite memories was when my older brother and I thought it would be fun to hold a parade in our neighborhood. The two of us, in costume, marched down the street holding a sign that said “PARADE!” and I was given the job of throwing jolly ranchers to our neighbors. It’s all about the simple pleasures at that age and we had a blast!

7. What’s your favorite movie or book?

Although it’s cliche, my all-time favorite movie is “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Nothing beats the life lessons that this film brings every December. My favorite books are everything and anything Larry Kramer!

8. What do you do in your free time?

I see loads of theatre – sometimes 2 or 3 shows a week. I run along the West Side of Manhattan quite a bit. I travel as much as I can. The rest of my free time is spent cultivating relationships with the people I love.

9. What’s your favorite restaurant?

Trestle on Tenth in Chelsea; a quaint Euro-style bistro, the menu is always seasonal, the wine list is simple, but often esoteric and interesting, and the energy of the space and staff is comfortable. I dine there as much as  possible and always leave with a smile on my face.

10. Tell me something about your home.

I have a very eclectic, aesthetic home filled with lots of framed family photos, theatre paraphernalia and keepsakes from my travels. You’ll find signed posters from the original casts of Rent and Ragtime, in addition to a collection of beach stones and shells from Cape Town to Rio to Fire Island, and many other beaches in between.