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Ten: Oliver Brown on a Veteran’s Career

Uncategorized, Agent Insight // Dec 19, 2012

oliver brown

Welcome to Ten, CORE founder and CEO Shaun Osher’s rapid-fire interview series with prominent CORE figures. Read on to find out how this week’s subject deals with being on the hot seat.

It’s definitely challenging to keep a high level of enthusiasm and energy in the real estate industry, because we are constantly challenged with rejection. After almost two decades in this business, Oliver Brown has a youthful energy that is rare. Here’s his answers to ten questions:

1) How long have you been selling real estate?

I have been selling real estate for 21 years.

2) How did you get into the business?

I was working for Ralph Lauren and decided to change paths. A close friend was working in real estate and arranged an interview. I was hired as an assistant to one of the top-producing brokers in the City. We worked with many famous and influential people. It was a great introduction to New York real estate.

3) What do you attribute your success to?

I think being able to listen to and figure out what people really want is important. I enjoy people and sometimes show them something they haven’t thought of – its instinctual.

4) What was your favorite or most challenging deal?

I sold a large house that Madonna was interested in – we had to move very quickly and ultimately sold the house.

5) You have a strong background in design. How does this help your business?

I see what the space can be; almost like a contractor or architect, which walls can move, how to add symmetry, raising doorways etc.

6) After years in the business, how have you seen the nature of real estate sales evolve?

People do a lot of research on the web. They choose many of the properties before you meet them. One thing that hasn’t changed is how a good broker can match a customer to a property. Offering something beyond pictures and floor plans.

7) What is the one value you admire most in a person?

Integrity. I will work really hard for my customers and I expect loyalty and clear communication in return.

8) What is the most challenging part of your job?

Time management. There is so much to do every day. Brokers are our own micro companies and have to handle communication, advertising, marketing research appointments and showing properties.

9) Where do you see the market going in the next year?

I think the market will go up 10-15%. There is not enough good product especially in the high-end larger properties.

10) Do you have a question for me?

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I love the fact that no day is ever the same. I am constantly challenged with creating solutions while having the flexibility to create something new.