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Ten: Mark Lynch

Agent Insight // Apr 01, 2011

Mark Lynch photo shauns blog

I have known Mark for only a few years, yet he is one of those people who feels like a long-time friend from childhood. He is personable, sincere, a husband, a father and a man you can count on. He is also one of our agents at CORE.

1. SHAUN: What did you do before going into real estate?
MARK: Before going into real estate I pursued a career as an actor- and as a waiter, bartender, janitor, office temp… No, but seriously, I covered all the bases: I trained at The Circle in The Square Theatre School, carried a spear in “Turandot” at the N.Y.C. Opera, beat up Placido Domingo at the Met. I was pure coincidence that my first two jobs on stage in N.Y. involved the opera, especially when the first opera I saw I was also in! I also did “Death of a Salesman” in a church basement, toured for children’s theater, Shakespeare Festivals, Off-Off Broadway, more church basements, a few independent films, commercials, soap operas , avant garde theater in South Korea, The New York Fringe Festival (twice!), and the creme de la crème – “Law & Order” (I found the body at the start of the show). Geez, I feel like I’m writing a bio for Playbill. I can go on, if you like…
2.SHAUN: I get the picture! Why did you go into real estate?
MARK: A big part of my decision to go in to real rstate was motivated by the economics of show-biz: I always had to do something else to support my acting habit. When my wife and I decided to take the plunge and start a family that meant (for me, anyway) shifting course, career-wise, and focusing my energies on a more lucrative career path. Plus, I’ve always lived in NY in just about any type of living situation you can think of, so I absorbed a lot of ‘know how’ without realizing it. Now, that’s not to say I will never act again, and like my dear friend and esteemed colleague, Tom Postilio, I do “To be, or not to be…” on occasion, but right now my focus is on the market.
3.SHAUN: Who is your mentor?
MARK: That’s an easy one: Managing Director, Real Estate Salesperson extraordinaire, and all around good guy – Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for CORE’s very own Kirk Rundhuag! We met as Cater Waiters at The Sign of The Dove, oh, a few years back, just as he was getting started in the business. We fell out of touch, but would cross paths from time to time. When I was giving serious thought to entering the business I sought out his advice, which he was most generous with. Now, here we are at CORE working together on the same team.
4.SHAUN: What is your greatest daily challenge?
MARK: Not speaking.
5.SHAUN: What is the one value you admire most in a person?
MARK:Sincerity: say what you mean. Mean what you say.
6.SHAUN: Name one place you find inspiration?
MARK: The theater – both live and in films. (does that count as two?)
7.SHAUN: What is your favorite book, artist or movie? Name just one.
MARK: Movie: “The Godfather”.
8.SHAUN: Why did you pick that?
MARK:Do we have enough room, here? It’s my “desert island” movie – I never tire of seeing it. It’s loaded with great lines (who hasn’t heard, or used, “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse”?), the performances are superb across the board, it’s a really a great ensemble piece, it’s filmed beautifully and although it was part of the whole ’70’s new wave of young directors. The first time I saw it, I was on vacation, it was a rainy day, and my mother had to do something with her two younger children. It was the only movie playing in Cape Cod, so she took the plunge and took us to see it. I was 12 and felt like I was getting away with murder! Since parts of it were filmed in my hometown of Staten Island, a lot of the wedding scene extras were locals, and my mother kept pointing out people she knew – I was so impressed! When I’m back on the island (that’s what we natives call it) I’ve taken much pleasure in taking visiting friends on the grand tour to show them the house that served as the Corleone family compound.
9.SHAUN: How would you like to be remembered?
MARK: I’m not going to over-think this one, so I’ll simply say, “As a good guy”.
10.SHAUN: Do you have a question for me?
MARK:How would YOU like to be remembered?
SHAUN:I’m not going to over-think this one, so I’ll simply say, “As a loving father”.