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Ten: Lisa Graham on Managing Expectations

Shaun's Soapbox // Aug 08, 2013

Welcome to Ten, CORE founder and CEO Shaun Osher’s rapid-fire interview series with prominent CORE figures. Read on to find out how this week’s subject deals with being on the hot seat.

A self-proclaimed “health nut,” Lisa Graham utilizes her professional experience as a Lifestyle Consultant and life experience as a native New Yorker in order to successfully service her clients. An endless resource of health, lifestyle, travel and real estate advice, Lisa has an intimate understanding of the importance of finding a home with the right energy for her clients. Here are Lisa’s answers to Ten questions:

1) What did you do before you found this career? Lisa Graham TEN

Prior to selling real estate, I was a personal executive assistant to the partners of a New York-based real estate investment firm. This experience groomed me on how to go above and beyond to deliver high-level service and results while managing expectations. It also inspired me to pursue a career in real estate.

2) What has been the highlight of your career?

Having the opportunity to work with amazing people and genuine, loyal and supportive clients has been a highlight of my career, along with filming and being featuring on HGTV’s hit series, Selling New York. It was a great experience being on set and seeing what happens behind the scenes in reality TV.

3) What is your greatest daily challenge?

Like most New Yorkers, taking time out from being in “work mode” to decompress. I am always on the go, so it’s challenging to slow down.

4) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In the years ahead, I look forward to expanding my real estate business, becoming a top producer in the industry and continuing to grow both personally and professionally.

5) Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration through traveling and experiencing other cultures. This is my way of recharging, but it’s always refreshing to be back in the bustling energy of New York City.

6) Name one thing we might not know about you.

I have jumped from a plane (more than once!), skydiving from 13,500 feet in the sky. I love adventure.

7) What’s your favorite movie or book?

Scent of a Woman, with Al Pacino. The last scene is brilliant!

8) What do you do in your free time?

I’m a health nut, so keeping active with yoga, cycling and running in the park are at the top of my list. I also love shopping, exploring all of the neighborhoods in Manhattan, seeking out new restaurants and last but not least, spending time with friends and family and drinking good wine!

9) What’s your favorite restaurant?

Some of my favorites are ABC Kitchen, L’Artusi and Sfoglia, a hidden gem. Oh, and for the best farm to table, Candle Café.

10) Tell me something about your home.

My apartment is zen-like with a planted outdoor balcony, incredible sunsets and views of the Hudson River. I am always experimenting with color and Feng Shui to maintain a good flow of energy in the space.