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Ten: Lawrence Treglia on Brooklyn and “Empty Mansions”

Emily and Lawerence

Lawrence with CORE's Emily Beare

Welcome to Ten, CORE founder and CEO Shaun Osher’s rapid-fire interview series with prominent CORE figures. Read on to find out how this week’s subject deals with being in the hot seat.

With over a decade of real estate experience, Lawrence Treglia has helped lead sales at a handful of CORE’s new development properties and is highly respected among the brokerage community. Here are Lawrence’s answers to Ten questions:

1. What did you do before you found this career?
I was mainly in recruitment and corporate human resources. I did, however, work in residential property management during my first two years after college.

2. What has been the highlight of your career?
The wonderful relationships I have cultivated through the years.

3. What is your greatest daily challenge?
Figuring out what to wear!

4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Working hard and actively engaged in real estate. More importantly, I hope  to be in good health, slim and with a full head of hair!

5. Where do you find inspiration?
When surrounded by close friends who enjoy a good story and a good laugh.

6. Name one thing we might not know about you.
I consider myself an open book and my friends can attest to that.

7. What’s your favorite movie or book?
I enjoy reading biographies and just recently finished “Empty Mansions,” the life story of Huguette Clark.

8. What do you do in your free time?
I try to escape the city whenever possible.

9. What’s your favorite restaurant.
Cookshop. When I lived it Chelsea, I considered it my living room.

10. Tell me something about your home.
Last year, I took the leap and moved to the “New State of Brooklyn.” It was a surprisingly smooth and quick transition. The views from the apartment change daily and are so iconic.