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Ten: A Series with Shaun Osher

Uncategorized, Agent Insight // Mar 25, 2011
Tom & Shaun sharing a musical moment on stage at Feinstein's at the Regency, November, 2010.

Tom & Shaun sharing a musical moment on stage at Feinstein's at the Regency, November, 2010.

My first installment of a new series of TEN questions I’ll ask to people I am connected with.

I have known and worked with Tom Postilio for over 8 years. He is not only a dear friend, but one of CORE’s top agents. He is one of the most charismatic people I know and a consummate professional who is well-respected by everyone who knows him. You would be hard fetched to find anyone say a bad word about him.

1. SHAUN: What did you do before going into real estate?
TOM: I made a living as a singer of The Great American Songbook. I’m still known to “doobie-doobie-do” from time to time. (I’ll be returning to the nightclub stage in NYC on May 17th for a week at Feinstein’s at the Regency.)
2.SHAUN: Why did you go into real estate?
TOM: Just like on WKRP in Cincinnati, “I got kind of tired of packin’ and unpackin’.” A function of my life as a singer was constant travel and I wanted a career that would afford me the stability to live in NYC full-time
3.SHAUN: Who is your mentor?
TOM: In music speak, it would be Frank Sinatra, of course. In real estate speak, it’s Shaun Osher. (Wipe away that tear, Shaun. You learned me good!)
4.SHAUN: What is your greatest daily challenge?
TOM: Sensible shoes. There’s nothing easy about the streets of New York.
5.SHAUN: What is the one value you admire most in a person?
TOM: Honesty. (Though a sense of humor goes a long way in business, as in life.)
6.SHAUN: Name one place you find inspiration?
TOM: Bethesda Fountain in Central Park.
7.SHAUN: What is your favorite book, artist or movie? Name just one.
TOM: The movie, It’s a Wonderful Life.
8.SHAUN: What makes you choose that movie as a favorite?
TOM: I am constantly fascinated by the way that each and every one of our individual lives impact those we come in contact with, as well as the world we live in.
9.SHAUN: How would you like to be remembered?
TOM: As someone who left the world a slightly better place than he found it.
10.SHAUN: Do you have a question for me?
TOM: What is your favorite Frank Sinatra recording and why? You have five seconds to answer…
SHAUN: (4 seconds later)…Frank Sinatra live at The Sands in Las Vegas with The Count Basie Orchestra. It is a true reflection of Frank’s ability to connect to and communicate with his audience through his music.
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