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Technorati….. in Black and White

Shaun's Soapbox // May 11, 2011


One quick search on Technorati will show you that the most popular sites on the web are those that deliver something very specific to the reader (or consumer).
None of them are many things to many people.
They are focussed on one expertise.

Social Media Examiner shows how to maximize traffic to your blog.
(I’m going to start following this one).
Mashable provides information and reviews about websites and news.
(A blog about other blogs).
The Huffington Post is simply all the news.
(All the time).
And the list goes on……..

Most successful companies can describe their services in a sentence (or less).
Apple sells iPhones, iPads, and computers.
Starbucks sells coffee, and a few pastries.
Google is a search engine.
Victoria’s Secret sells ladies lingerie.
And the list goes on…….

Consumers want to deal with an expert.
Not a Jack-of-all-trades.