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Technology Has No Soul!

Shaun's Soapbox // Jun 18, 2014

Find An Architect ipads

It’s just another tool. And I am starting to see more and more real estate sales companies basing their “value add” and business model on superior technology. This is easy to do, because anyone with the right amount of money can buy the right technology. And most competitive technology is readily accessible to everyone at every level. In every industry, the success of a web-based sales company lies in their ability to service their clients. What makes a company like Zappos great is their people and level of customer service.

People have soul. And it’s the soul of the people that lies at the heart of a brand, a culture, and a company that will stand the test of time.

It isn’t the technology that changes the game. It is fundamentally the people using their insight and ability to service the client that is the game changer.