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Talk is cheap.

Shaun's Soapbox // Jul 02, 2014
Tim Howard

Tim Howard defending the U.S. during this year's World Cup (Image: New York Times)

Anyone (and it seems like everyone) can make a claim to be the best, the smartest, the most effective, or the quickest.  The more social media followers, higher your budget, celebrity status, gimmicks, or press releases you have – the larger your megaphone you have to tout your prowess.

In the beginning of a relationship, perception is reality, and in a strong (and forgiving) market, the honeymoon phase usually lasts a little longer. But….

Results are priceless.

So, when making an assessment about someone you’re about to engage with, check their references and research their results from a less forgiving market.

UPDATE: Congratulations to Tim Howard for quietly delivering the best goal keeping performance in World Cup history.

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