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Spring Cleaning

Uncategorized // Apr 12, 2009

I was surfing one of my favorite sites (www.nrdc.org) and stumbled upon something incredibly useful. You see, my mailbox has fallen victim to all of the mass marketing gorillas out there.  Barneys, Gucci, Costco, Bloomingdales, Burberry….you get the picture….and the site gave me a simple step to cut down on the catalog clutter. What’s astounding to me is that each year, over 19 billion catalogs are mailed and over 52 million trees are cut down to make these catalogs. There are more far reaching effects than just this.  Go to www.catalogchoice.org and select what you wish to receive, and what you wish to have removed. The whole process took me less than five minutes. It feels good to have a little control over what is being sent to me.

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