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REBNY Deal of the Year Awards

Uncategorized // Nov 07, 2008

A group of us from CORE attended the recent REBNY Deal of the Year Awards ceremony held on a chilly (one could even say frigid) night in Central Park. Being the eve of Halloween, the party planners drew on the holiday as their inspiration for the décor for this elegant, black-tie affair as, apparently, did some of the guests. Happily, the drinks flowed and after the cocktail hour, guests moved into another tent for the dinner, awards ceremony and, most importantly, the dancing.  Celebrity sightings included Pam Liebman, CEO of Corcoran, noted actor and broker, Mark Lynch of CORE and Dolly Lenz, Queen of the Universe. Diane Ramirez, head of Halstead, presided over the awards ceremony in which the details of the first, second and third place deals were recounted. Coincidentally, agents from Halstead won each of the three awards. As soon as the last lamb chop was served, the music climbed a few decibels and a stampede of brokers hit the dance floor to boogie the evening away. After all, how often can one trip the light fantastic in Central Park, in black tie, to boot?

