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Shaun's Soapbox // Mar 21, 2011


I will die trying…
And I think that’s the point!

Because this “whole thing” is a process.

I admire and respect the lifetime achievers.
Those who practice the art-of-the-pursuit.
Their existence is about the process and not about the end game.
They are ever-present
And constantly in pursuit of an endless task.
To hone an art, skill, relationship or craft.

When they finally find that buyer their home, they don’t remember the closing –
They remember the search.
And what they learn from that process, they take with them.

When they sell an exclusive listing, they don’t remember the final showing.
They remember the pitch and the creative process in servicing their client.
And what they learn from that process, they take with them.

When I sell out a building development, I don’t remember the last sale.
I remember the design development, the branding strategy and the marketing.
And every project deepens the understanding that I take with me.

When I hire someone, I don’t think about the interview.
I think about the brainstorming, the commonality and the values that person has.
And what I have learned and will continue to learn from them…