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Photo of the Week: Nomad Nuance

241 Fifth Photo of the Week (3)

Today’s “Photo of the Week” features a glance at one of the new banners installed around Madison Square Park. Designed by the Madison Square Park Conservancy, the banner features the logo of our new development at 241 Fifth, relaying the excitement of the NoMad neighborhood’s newest project.  The  brand-new, twenty-floor boutique residence is noted for its proximity to Madison Square Park, the Flatiron District, and all of the restaurants, hotels, architecture and attractions located in the area, making NoMad the perfect place for potential residents with a taste for both the new and old.  Receiving extensive coverage in the media since it’s official launch earlier this month, 241 Fifth seamlessly blends into the NoMad landscape, providing classic architecture and modern design in this highly-coveted Manhattan neighborhood.