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Number 1 for Another Year

Shaun's Soapbox // May 03, 2013

mid-size-firmsThe Real Deal recently named us the “Number One ‘Mid-Size’ Firm in New York.”

Last year, we were named the “Number One ‘Boutique’ Firm in New York!”

What’s interesting, is that we’ve consistently had around the same number of agents, so I’m a little perplexed by this current categorization. Either everyone else is shrinking, or our reach is growing. One statistic that has consistently reflected our brand, culture, and business model, is that we have the most productive agents amongst all firms. From the smallest ones, to the 8,000 pound gorillas. We are still David amongst Goliaths!

Our business model is to remain boutique in size and essence. Because by being boutique, we can continue to be:







Congratulations, and thank you, to my agents and staff who remain dedicated to achieving the same goal of delivering the highest level of innovative service to our clients. We pride ourselves on being the ambassadors of the evolution of real estate.

Shaun Osher is the CEO and Founder of CORE.