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Nobody is Too Important…

Shaun's Soapbox // Feb 03, 2011

JFK blog photo

…to be unresponsive!

About two years ago, when I first interviewed Barbara Corcoran, I was amazed to experience first-hand that she answered her own phone and dialed her own numbers when she needed to be on a call. Realistically, she probably can’t do that 100% of the time, but the intent was there.

I don’t reach out to people unnecessarily, but when I do, there’s usually a good reason. I make the same assumption about anyone who is calling me.

There is nothing more impolite and disrespectful than someone having to leave more than 2 messages, one email, and wait, only never to get a response.

I return every call…
(The average call takes 2 minutes).
I respond to every email…
(The average email takes 30 seconds to write).

And whenever I can…I send a handwritten note!

When I’m extremely busy, it takes me longer to respond than I’d like – but I still respond. I never know where that next call is going to lead me. I never make a predetermination of where a new business relationship is coming from.

Being responsive is common sense as much as it is good business practice