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New York Daily News’ Jason Sheftell: Authentic

Press, Shaun's Soapbox // Jun 17, 2013

I am truly saddened and shocked to have learned of the passing of one of our industry’s greatest ambassadors today.

I knew Jason for many years and was always inspired by him.photo

From the very first interview we did together years ago when we discussed the founding of CORE, to last week over the phone – and the many hours I spent with him on different occasions – the one thing that always struck me about Jason was that real estate reporting was not a means to an end for him. This was his life, and he loved what he did.

He had a zest for learning and a yearning to discover new things and share them.

Jason and I valued the same principles of transparency, innovation, integrity, ethics, and the industry as a whole, and often spoke for hours about these things.

He was authentic.

And we will miss him.

Shaun Osher is the CEO and Founder of CORE.