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My Favorite Room: Keren Ringler

My Favorite Room // Oct 20, 2015


‘My Favorite Room’ takes a look at our favorite peoples’ most cherished places and spaces. Featuring a mixture of hotspots and hidden gems, we hope to remind just how special one room can really be.

Originally from South Africa, there’s no doubt that Keren Ringler has seen some of the world’s most exotic and beautiful rooms across the globe. Having found success through her keen attention to detail and strong research skills, it’s no surprise that her favorite room is a place where she can put her skills to good use.

What is your favorite room? I have an entrance gallery that doubles as my office/work space.

Why is it your favorite room? It’s the center of the apartment. The room has some of my favorite pieces and I love the mix of the old and new.

What do you like to do most in this room? I love sitting here in the morning reading newspapers and publications. I also enjoy catching up on emails and phone calls.

What is one unique or distinctive feature from this room? It is home to a 17th century Italian refectory table that allows for a lot of messy work.

In one word, how would you describe this room? Practical.