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My Favorite Room: Adie Kriegstein

Agents, My Favorite Room // Jul 16, 2015

Chelsea 047

‘My Favorite Room’ takes a look at our favorite people’s most cherished places and spaces. Featuring a mixture of hotspots and hidden gems, we hope to remind just how special one room can really be.

Hailing from the suburbs of Massachusetts, it’s no surprise that Adie Kriegstein has a strong love of the great outdoors. With her loving dog often in tow, it only makes sense that her favorite room would be a dog-friendly haven atop this concrete jungle.

What is your favorite room? The roof deck at my building, the Chelsea Stratus.

Why is it your favorite room? The view is always stunning and never ceases to amaze me.

What do you like to do most in this room? I utilize the roof mostly to relax or entertain. When the weather is nice I often come up even for an hour or so and read during the week if my schedule permits. I love to let my Yellow Lab Mak roam freely on the Dog Run on the northern section of the roof. I also love to host BBQ parties with friends which is always a huge success – and they continue to ask me when the next one will be!

What is one unique or distinctive feature from this room? Being in the real estate business I get to see my fair share of building amenities throughout the city, but this is one of only a few buildings that has facilities for one’s dog let alone on the roof (prime real estate!). For me this is a huge plus and convenience to have, and a wonderful way to further socialize with people in the building.

In one word, how would you describe this room? Astounding.