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Metaphysical Marketing

Uncategorized // Feb 06, 2009

I must say, as my first in-person encounter with Reggie Arthur drew near I didn’t really know what to expect. My partner here at CORE Group, Kirk Rundhaug, had worked with Reggie before, and vouched for the results.  Indeed, a property Kirk had listed for over a year found a taker the day after Reggie did what he does

Now, as I stood waiting for him outside the Upper West Side building where a listing of ours had been on the market for just over six months, I thought to myself, “What’s this guy going to be like? Will he be an inch off the ground? Speaking in tongues? Eyes rolling back in his head? Is he going to want to hug me? What?” Kirk’s experience notwithstanding, I confess to a degree of skepticism.

I’m happy to say, the person I encountered that afternoon defied my somewhat cynical expectations. In my first meeting with Reggie Arthur I was face to face with a warm, gregarious, and firmly rooted gentleman with whom I formed one of those instant connections we happen upon from time to time. We chatted, he cleared, and less than a week later our Upper West Side listing had an accepted, all cash offer that closed in just a little over a month! A coop, no less!!

Now, not only is Reggie an integral part of our team, he’s a friend.
