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215 East 96th St. 29H, New York, NY 10128

440 East 57th Street  PH__15_resize

Proposals in 2013 to rezone and revitalize Midtown East–which would allow buildings to reach new heights, as well as permit NYC landmarks to sell their air rights–previously failed to gain enough support from the City Council to pass. By the time the Bloomberg administration had withdrawn the plan, the proposal had garnered enough attention for debate. Now under a new regime, a smaller proposal to rezone only 5 blocks west of Grand Central has been approved.

With this new building approval, One Vanderbilt is making headlines with a 1,501 foot-tall tower, followed by an updated rezoning proposal for all of Midtown East set to pass later this month. The new plan will allow for the development of larger buildings in conjunction with transit improvements. Additionally, building owners for some of NYC’s landmarks will now have the option to sell unused air rights to help preserve those deemed historically significant.

While it seems as though things are on the upswing for Midtown East, at what point is tall tall enough?