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Market Update Monday: More International Investors in 2016

Uncategorized // Jan 04, 2016


According to a survey provided by the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate, international investors are expected to put more money into United States real estate than they did in 2015, with New York remaining as the worldwide top market. These purchases have drastically increased since the financial crisis in 2009 according to Real Capital Analytics Inc. With shares in office towers, warehouses, apartment buildings, shopping malls and hotels, investors from Canada, Asia, Europe and Australia hold a $23.5 billion stake in Manhattan real estate.

Because of China’s economic decline, the recession in Brazil and the major immigration crisis in Europe, the United States’ feels like the safest spot to place investments for wealthy internationals.

As was the case in 2015, this year we can continue to expect multi-family and industrial real estate as property favorites with retail in third place. Rounding out the top fourth and fifth spots were offices and hotels respectively.

Additionally, the recent legislation that will ease taxes for foreign funds in the U.S. will likely boost investments noted Jim Fetgatter, chief executive of Washington-based AFIRE.