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Market Update Monday: Are We Entering the Supertall Skyscraper Era?

May_15 West 53rd Street 23AF_Lisa Graham_14 (1)

With the recent rise of sky-high new developments throughout the city, we can expect a surge in the number of buildings reaching and possibly exceeding 2,000 feet in height. As advancements in engineering continue to soar – cement and steel have doubled in strength over the last decade – it is only a matter of time before we see even stronger materials available in the market for use. According to Stephen DeSimone of DeSimone Consulting Engineers, “Engineers and builders are exploring the idea of advanced dampening systems that will anticipate the motion of a building and counteract it before it even sways. This is the last hurdle in building taller than we are already.” Once mechanisms to reduce supertall building swaying take effect, there’s no telling how tall our skyline will become.