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In Pursuit of Perfection – How to Settle For More

Agent Insight // Nov 15, 2013

JarrodRandolph_300x300I recently did a segment on Fox Business with Melissa Francis, where we discussed how being “average” might lead to a better life for overachievers. Written by Harvard Business Review, it was directed at those who are in the pursuit of perfection. Though I disagree with the idea from a entrepreneurial standpoint, it made me think of the residential buying process in NYC.

The pursuit of perfection is something that not only affects entrepreneurs, but is also an issue buyers deal with every day. When buying, one should keep in mind that compromise is the key to a successful transaction.

–  Pick your non-negotiables. Chose your top three items that you cannot live without. It could be the views, light, location, or room count- start your search with those things in mind.

–  Determine where you can compromise.  If you cannot find anything that fits your non-negotiables, start to look outside the box. Try a new neighborhood or a lower floor. It will help to expand your options.

–  Keep an open mind. If all else fails, look at properties that are completely unexpected. Until you walk through a space and have the intimate experience, you will never know how it lives from the inside.

Remember, no matter how hard we try, attaining perfection is impossible. But being settled in your home, with a peace of mind, is as close to perfection as one could get.