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How Do You Get From A to B as Quickly as Possible?

Shaun's Soapbox // Jun 04, 2014

Street Parking

One of the greatest daily challenges we have as New Yorkers, especially real estate agents who’s job it is to get from A to B as expeditiously as possible, is “the commute.”

The most valuable items I carry on me at all times are all related to the way I commute, and I value them in the following hierarchy:

1) My comfortable Paul Smith shoes. Walking is always the best way to go, especially if the distance is short enough, and I’m appropriately dressed for snow, sleet, rain, hail or a heatwave. (Sometimes I really miss the weather in South Africa).

2) My MetroCard full of credit, which is worth its weight in gold. Our subway system is fantastic, and by far the most reliable and fastest way to go.

3) My Citi Bike key! There’s nothing quite like a bike ride on a nice day – especially if there’s an available bike to take and an available parking space at your destination. NYC is now one of the most bike friendly cities in the world. Thank you Mayor Bloomberg!

4) My Uber App. A life changing app for me. I only wish I had come up with this brilliant idea. It still has a few flaws, and whenever they implement surge pricing I feel duped, but I can’t really blame them. Innovation, entrepreneurship and capitalism at its best. For three years I had a car and driver. I miss Paul, but I don’t miss sitting endlessly in traffic and paying all of the costs associated with the unnecessary luxury.

5) My Vespa key. My red Vespa, which I’ve had for 12 years starts on command, uses almost no gas and can zip in-between almost anything. New York is slowly catching up to Europe and I’m starting to see more and more of these mopeds around town. For awhile, it’s been a real challenge to find parking, (without illegally removing the license plate) but the other morning I discovered a new “MOTORCYCLE PARKING ONLY” zone (see photo)! I hope we see more of these around town.

6) My Triumph key. When I want to mix it up a little. Basically a fancier and faster ride than my Vespa.

7) My credit card. Yellow taxis have their time and place, and even though there never seems to be one when you really need it and an abundance of them when you don’t, there’s still nothing like the feeling of getting one exactly when you need it.

Some people commute the same way every day. I find that for an agent, it helps to be resourceful, nimble and creative.

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