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Hidden Gems

Uncategorized // Sep 19, 2008

I have been immensely intrigued by one block long streets in Manhattan since I moved to Centre Market Place, located behind the old Police Headquarters on Centre Street, in 1995. This unique thoroughfare was home to numerous firearm retailers catering to the NYPD. Now it is the site of considerable real estate development offering spectacular single family homes rarely seen outside of the townhouses of the Upper East and West Sides and Greenwich Village.

Another favourite is Weehawken Street, located between 10th and Christopher Streets in the West Village, home to relics of the waterfront activity of bygone eras and annual Gay Pride events. It seems some people don’t want interlopers disturbing the tranquility offered by this tiny enclave. I hope it remains the way it is with this wood sided house for many years to come.

I used to go to spectacular Halloween parties at a friend’s house on Patchin Place, just off of 10th Street in Greenwich Village. Their common garden was an appropriately eerie setting for the revelry of costumed guests and the iron gate at the end of the very short mews seemed to provide an extra aura of exclusivity.

I continue to find more of these special alleys, mews, and hidden byways as I explore the outer areas of New York City and would welcome your discoveries. There always seem to be more hidden gems to find when I set out to explore this great metropolis.

