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Creating a Home for Your Soul

Events, Uncategorized // Oct 17, 2012


My first seasonal newsletter began in the summer of 2008,  and in 2011, I re-branded my newsletter as Lisa Graham Lifestyles as a source for my clients’ real estate needs, as well as lifestyle, design and wellness suggestions. My intention for this newsletter is to stay connected with my clients, friends and family and to help them maintain harmony in their lives and home which can be challenging, especially in the fast pace of New York City. I have always had a passion for both real estate and wellness and my background in health coaching has inspired me to help people with their real estate needs in a more holistic way, with a focus on well-being in the home. Ultimately, your home is a reflection of you and your lifestyle and I enjoy purposefully assisting people in a way that positively supports movement and growth bringing harmony into their lives. Currently 700+ people receive my newsletter and the list is growing…

An excerpt from my latest newsletter features an upcoming event. Hope you can join me this week! Read more:


The home is a vital place for nurturing oneself, yet most approaches to creating a home focus only on visual style and physical function. Anthony Lawlor, award-winning architect and author, will be sharing methods for shaping and inhabiting apartments or houses to renew our souls.

At his upcoming lecture, Lawlor will explain how to use each room to nourish the different aspects of our selves: “how to create kitchens that enact the alchemy of transformation, bathrooms that heal body, mind and soul, bedrooms that stir our imaginations, workspaces that inspire creativity and more.” He will also touch on techniques for choosing furnishings, colors and lighting to deepen the meaning of home.

Friday, October 19, 7-10pm
Tickets: $30

Lisa Graham is an Associate Broker with CORE.