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CORE 10: Steve Snider

CORE 10 // Jan 30, 2018

Welcome to CORE 10, an off-the-cuff interview series with prominent CORE figures. Read on to learn more about this week’s guest, CORE agent, Steve Snider.

Who is the living person you most admire? My dad. He has been through so much in his life but continues to encourage and support me in everything that I do. He always has a smile on his face and is quick with a joke to make me laugh.

Who is the most interesting New Yorker you know? Her name is Ruth. She was my neighbor when I first moved to the city. Her stories about the way things used to be, politics and education are always amazing. She’s a pretty special lady.

What is your earliest New York memory? My earliest memory was coming to New York as a freshman in high school. I came to see the theatre and I remember being in awe of all the tall buildings and seeing the lights in Times Square. It was all quite a change from the Midwest.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? A friend of mine once told me to make decisions that are going to help me get to where I want to be and not to make decisions that will just make me happy for the moment or provide a short-term fix.

What do you consider your greatest achievement so far? My greatest achievement personally are my 4 kids. Seeing them grow, develop and learn has been incredibly rewarding. Professionally, I am excited that I have created a real career in real estate in just 6 years and that I get to work with my wife every day.  We are excited to see what the future has in store for us.

What are your three most treasured possessions? Does my dog Stella count as a possession? I treasure my spiritual books and would be lost without music. You can also throw in a watch or two.

Name a movie, book or work of art that changed your life. I read a book called The Ragamuffin Gospel when I was in college. It is a story of self-discovery and learning how to keep life in proper perspective. I have read it every year for more than 25 years.

What’s your greatest extravagance? I love ties, pocket squares and sneakers. Don’t judge!

What’s your secret talent?  I don’t think everyone knows that I speak Portuguese.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse? Probably “this is the best taco I’ve ever had”. I have had a lot of very good tacos.

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