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CORE 10: Maggie Kent

CORE 10 // Jan 31, 2017


Welcome to CORE 10, an off-the-cuff interview series with prominent CORE figures. Read on to learn more about this week’s guest, broker Maggie Kent!

  1. Who is the living person you most admire? Gloria Steinem.
  2. Who is the most interesting New Yorker you know? Gloria Steinem.
  3. What is your earliest New York memory? Gustav Mahler performing at Lincoln Center.
  4. What is the best advice you’ve ever received? “Don’t take any wooden nickels.” 
  5. What do you consider your greatest achievement so far? One would certainly be immigrating to New York City, which changed my life.
  6. What are your three most treasured possessions? My dog, though I don’t think of her as a possession, my home and an heirloom from my mother.
  7. Name a movie, book or work of art that changed your life. Viva Las Vegas, the movie. Insert long story.
  8. What’s your greatest extravagance? Foreign travel. And then there’s my favorite frozen yogurt, pretty much every day.
  9. What’s your secret talent? Whistling.
  10. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? “I’ve gotta go. Can you take the dog out?”