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CORE 10: Armen Meschian

CORE 10 // Feb 02, 2017


Welcome to CORE 10, an off-the-cuff interview series with prominent CORE figures. Read on to learn more about this week’s guest, broker Armen Meschian!

  1. Who is the living person you most admire? I would lie if I didn’t say my father. An accomplished architect and a musician with tremendous legacy.
  2. Who is the most interesting New Yorker you know? I am truly stumped by this question. I know many and from all walks of life. 
  3. What is your earliest New York memory? Looking at the New York City skyline from the New Jersey side of the Hudson upon arriving to the United States as a 15-year-old immigrant. Fear, excitement, hope, dreams: it was a barrage of feelings at the foot of a new beginning in this country.
  4. What is the best advice you’ve ever received? Whatever job you do, have a clear definition of how you personally add value in your field. 
  5. What do you consider your greatest achievement so far? Becoming a father. It’s hard to top that one.
  6. What are your three most treasured possessions? My three main guitars. 
  7. Name a movie, book or work of art that changed your life. I was obsessed with Led Zeppelin when I was in high school, particularly Physical Graffiti, so much so that I turned down an art scholarship to pursue music instead. Every decision or move in life I have made since then, including coming to New York City and how I came into real estate, has been affected by that one crossroad.
  8. What’s your greatest extravagance? Travel.
  9. What’s your secret talent? I am a regularly performing guitarist/singer/songwriter here in New York City.
  10. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? The word “merit” is often on my tongue. I use it frequently and aspire to have as much of it as possible.