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Best Apartment I Ever Sold: Patrick Lilly

Best Apartment I Ever Sold invites our agents to share the unique story of their best selling experience to date. This week, learn why Patrick Lilly‘s sale at 274 West 12th Street, 1R is his best one yet.

I love seeing value where others might not, whether it is a property or a tattered chair or an unusual human being. Soul and context matters to me, and it is a joy when I can help facilitate that expression.

247 West 12th Street, 1R was a tiny one bedroom garden condo in the West Village. It was in dismal shape but had a great location and potential. My buyer agreed and turned it into a 450-square foot gem. Then a job transfer came a few years later, and it was time to sell. His employer’s relocation division required multiple bids from brokers and, of course, I was included. My asking price was far higher than the other agents because price per square foot is only one parameter when determining value. But how do you convey that to potential buyers? That process of expressing the soul of the home along with the very unique lifestyle it will help create is the creative process that I enjoy most. Through a compelling video, multiple mentions in the press and a coordinated social media campaign we were able to sell the unit well above ask.

Those traits that make an individual unique are the greatest expressions of their innermost being, and it holds true with homes too. Finding the soul of each property, seeing value where others do not, and expressing that is my passion. My client’s goals were met and exceeded, the buyer loves her new home, and ultimately, that is a good way to spend my days.