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Architecturial Achievements: The Work of Toyo Ito

Architecture // Mar 26, 2013

Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture

Recently awarded with the Pritzker Prize, one of architecture’s most prestigious and coveted honors, Japanese architect Toyo Ito’s portfolio of work is a true architectural achievement. At 71-years-old, Ito is known by many within the architectural community for creating conceptual architecture, which in many ways has shaped the discipline of modern architecture today.

Ito’s rich portfolio of structures includes several public spaces, theaters, libraries, and offices throughout Asia and Europe. Ito had the privilege of designing the 2009 World Games stadium which was built by using 100% reusable materials in addition to 8,844 solar panels on its roof. Click below for an image of the stadium.

World Games Stadium

Toyo Ito’s concepts and designs have been showcased in museums throughout the world, and although Ito’s portfolio doesn’t include any projects in the states, just yet, he will be making an appearance in Boston on May 29th, when he will be officially honored with the Pritzker Prize.