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Agent Insight: The Most Common Distractions

Agent Insight, Sellers // Dec 03, 2012

This week’s question: What’s the most common distraction in a home that may turn off potential buyers?

The CORE agent verdict: Clutter!

It seems like a fairly standard and obvious answer, but agents across the board are always faced with the challenge of getting sellers to de-clutter. CORE agent Debbie Batres explains that “In New York City, space is hard to come by and walking into a space where most of the apartment is covered in ‘things’ lessens the appearance of usable square feet.”

Adrian Noriega's clutter-free exclusive at 15 Broad Street

Adrian Noriega's clutter-free exclusive at 15 Broad Street

Additionally, personal clutter can be an even bigger distraction. For example, Lee Frankel mentions that not only clutter, but having “too many personal items and possessions in a room can really distract a buyer. A buyer wants to be able to imagine living in a specific space and it can be very difficult to picture if dozens of family photos are hung on walls or over mantels.”

Although removing items and de-cluttering a space can be stressful, Adrian Noriega suggests a simple plan to decide how to go about the process. “Items that you know will not be going with you to your next home should be given away or sold; or alternatively, if you plan to keep them, temporarily store them away while your home is on the market.”

So sellers take note: a clean, clutter-free home will maximize your chances of buyers responding well to your property and hopefully making an offer. And on an even better note, Adrian says that “purging unnecessary items is not only good for the soul, but it also helps your rooms look bigger.”