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A Home Office? OR…Your Home as an Office?

Uncategorized // Oct 20, 2010

I remember the difficulty we faced when The Chelsea Mercantile conversion first came onto the market. Being a conversion property, as wide as a city block, there was a huge amount of “dark interior space” that couldn’t be designed (or sold) as a bedroom. Quite a few buildings faced this dilemma.

No light and air = no legal bedroom.

The solution?

As marketers, we sold these spaces as home offices. And buyers loved them. They were outfitted with desks, bookshelves and tons of knick-knacks that truly made them an office within the home.

But now, I think we’ve entered a new age. (yes, I know it was only ten years ago)!

It seems to me, thanks in large part to Apple, WiFi and devices that seem smaller and more powerful, that the home has become the office.

Case in point: I’m sitting on my couch, in my living room, writing this post on my handy-dandy iPad. I seem to spend more time working in other parts of my home than in my home office, and I have windows! (The operating system, AND the ones that look outside).

I guess those big rooms could always be used for something else…